Bendigo Bluff Community Deck opens at Mimburi

Our support of the Cooroy and Pomona campuses of Noosa District State High School has been happening since 2008.
It's an impressive list that has involved thousands of students over that time. From financial and professional support of school projects, to RYDA (Road Youth Driver Awareness) sponsorship or university scholarships and other student learning programs, we've been there for NDSHS.
In late 2019, our team visited the Mimburi Campus at Belli Park in the Mary Valley for the first time. Anyone who visits the 300-acre property is immediately struck with the beauty of it.
Mimburi means “continual flow” in the language of the traditional owners of the land, the Kabi Kabi peoples. The property connects students and visitors with the environment.
All who visit Mimburi are offered the opportunity to have an educational and outdoor activities experience in the one place.
Our Cooroy and Pomona branches have committed $30,000 to buildings and program development over the next three years. It also offers local businesses and corporate bodies the opportunity to meet, bond and collaborate in a truly unique setting.
The first part of the sponsorship has seen the construction of the new flexible learning area, or the “Bendigo Bluff Community Deck”. We were proud to be there to officially open it recently.
This amazing space joins the flexible learning and dining area at Mimburi. It's linked to the property’s newly completed accessible bathroom and it all amounts to a wonderful inclusive learning space.
Our support has allowed NDSHS to continue with the theme of best practice that Mimburi has. Local timbers from local mills have joined the trees on site to add to the rustic aesthetic of Mimburi.
NDSHS is grateful and excited about our branches’ ongoing support of Mimburi. The school community continue to be strong voices for the Community Banking message and our unique point of difference.
We look forward to seeing what the next part of our sponsorship will bring the Mimburi.
All this has been made possible by locals simply choosing to do their banking with us!