Utterly awesome Under 8 day at Pacific Paradise

The fun was everywhere at Pacific Paradise State School’s annual Under-8s Day celebration held today.
The event was held to celebrate all that’s great about being under the age of eight. The many stalls created awareness of the services, businesses, activities and organisations within our North Shore community involving children and support for their families.
It showcased what they had to offer the kids and the wider community in an educational and fun-filled morning. It also marked the 63rd year of Under 8’s Week in Queensland, this year celebrating the culture and diversity in our community.
Locally, the Marcoola Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank got involved as an extension of the great and long-standing relationship they have with the school.
Stephen and Mark from the branch were both there enjoying the fun of a coin toss game with the kids, talking with parents and handing out some prizes to the students.
It was just one part of the event where parents, grandparents and carers of Pacific Paradise State School students joined in with the activities. A variety of art stalls, community services and many sporting codes were also represented.
What a day!