Highlights for climate and carbon
- Large areas across Far North Queensland experienced heavy rainfall and significant flooding events over the first week of February. Both road and rail transport infrastructure across the region has been significantly damaged. Initial assessments of crop losses by key industry bodies are slowly getting underway.
- The Bureau of Meteorology are predicting that rainfall is likely (60 to 80% chance) to be above average across most agricultural regions. The forecast period covers February through until April. This will prove beneficial for cropping producers, particularly in regions where soil moisture levels are severely depleted following a dry start to the year. Cropping producers are currently in the process of putting together their program for the current season. Soil moisture reserves and weather forecasts will play a role in the development of these programs.

Sean Hickey
Sean is our Insights specialist for the horticulture sector, utilising both his time spent within the industry alongside a Bachelor of Commerce to produce informed market analysis and commentary.
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