Travel abroad. Shop with Mastercard. Get cashback.
Rewards for all card holders
As a Bendigo Bank customer you have access to exclusive offers from renowned merchants around the world. Enjoy seamless automatic cashbacks applied directly to your account when you activate an offer and pay with your Mastercard.
Simply register your Bendigo Bank debit or credit Mastercard on the Mastercard Travel Rewards page to unlock cashback offers overseas.
How it works
Register your card
Both debit card and credit card holders have access to rewards
Browse and select offers
Explore the offers in the Mastercard online portal and select as many as you like
Pay with your Mastercard
Use your registered Mastercard to pay and get cashback automatically
Visit Mastercard Travel Rewards to find out more and register.
You can save on just about everything you need: shopping, dining, excursions, and local transportation. Simply pay with your enrolled Mastercard at the participating overseas merchant and you’ll automatically get the cashback - no coupons or offer codes needed
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Things you should know
Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. All information, including interest rates and fees, is correct as at 1 March 2023 and is subject to change. Full details available on application. Credit criteria apply. Credit provided by Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 (‘Bendigo Bank’).
Target Market Determinations for products are available.
This information does not take your personal objectives, financial situations or needs into account. You should consider its appropriateness to your circumstances before acting on this information. Please read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service, including the Terms and Conditions, before deciding. Please also review our Financial Services Guide (FSG) before accessing information on this website. Information on this page can change without notice to you.