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Managed funds explained 

Education HUB article

7 minute read

The fundamentals of managed funds

What is a managed fund? 

A managed fund is a professionally managed investment portfolio. In a managed fund, the investments of individual investors are pooled together with other customers.

A team of professional investment managers then invest the pooled money, often across a range of assets classes. By combining investors’ money, a managed fund can diversify your investment and access investment opportunities that may not be ordinarily available to individual investors.

Why are managed funds so popular?

There are several reasons why managed funds are favoured by investors, including:

  • Your investments are diversified which helps minimise the risk of loss
  • You benefit from the skills and knowledge of investment professionals
  • It’s easy to reinvest your earnings, allowing you to maximise the benefits of compound returns
  • Access to hard-to-get asset classes such as property or infrastructure
  • Offer options to invest in funds that return income and/or growth
  • Some funds offer specific areas of focus such as ethical funds, industrial funds, and infrastructure funds
  • You can grow your wealth and save for the future

And you can start investing with as little as $1,000

How does unit pricing work?

The number of units you own in a managed fund depends on the amount of money you invest and the value of each individual unit at the time of purchase.

So, if an individual unit is priced at $1.00 today and you invest $10,000, you will receive 10,000 units. If the value of the assets within the managed fund increase, the unit price increases and vice versa. These fluctuations can occur daily.

This also changes when your fund manager pays you income, or ‘distribution’. Distribution payments can be cash or reinvested into the fund for additional units.

What are some of the fees associated with managed funds?

There are a range of fees associated with managed funds. So, it’s important to be aware of some of the costs before investing. Some common fees involved with managed funds include:

  • Establishment fee: for customers to open an investment
  • Contribution fee: when you choose to contribute to your investment
  • Management fee: pays for your investment to be professionally managed
  • Performance fee: is an additional fee that a fund manager may charge if a fund outperforms

Some fund managers may also charge termination fees, switching fees, or allow an adviser service fee to be deducted from investments to pay a financial adviser as requested by you. The types of fees charged can be found in the fund’s Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) and it’s important to know what fees may be involved with your investment.

How do I keep track of the funds’ performance?

Each fund produces a performance report so you can stay up to date with the latest fund performance.

Annual reports can be accessed online or by calling the Sandhurst Trustees Limited Funds Administration Team (STL Registry) on 1800 634 969. Updated daily, the most recent managed funds unit prices are available too.

How do I get started?

It’s easy to start investing and it can be done with as little as $1,000.

Firstly, we suggest reading the relevant PDS. You can then complete an online application form for your preferred choice of fund. And if you require advice, the Wealth Concierge Team are available to assist you. Simply submit an enquiry and we’ll be in touch, free of charge.

So, if you’re feeling ready, check out our range of managed funds.

For more helpful articles, visit our Education HUB today.

Commonly used terms

Annual report

A yearly report or statement of a company's financial health. It generally includes a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. Trustees of funds must issue annual reports each year. 

Asset allocation

The percentage of assets held in each asset class (shares, fixed interest, etc.) in an investment portfolio. 

Asset class

A category of financial assets. The major asset classes are shares, property, fixed interest and cash, which in turn can be broken down further to include domestic or international shares, domestic or international fixed interest, direct or indirect property.


The value of your investment represented by the total assets (what you own) less total liabilities (debts or monies owed). Also refers to the initial amount you invested.


Where you buy units in a Fund before a distribution date, the application price will include income accumulated in the Fund since the last income distribution was made. This income will subsequently be distributed and will form part of your taxable income.

Indirect Cost Ratio (ICR) 

A useful measure of the ongoing fees and costs you can expect to pay if you invest in the Funds. It is the total of Management Costs (that is, ongoing fees and costs) of each Fund during a financial year represented as a percentage. It is not deducted directly from an Investor. 

Management Fee 

The total fees and costs incurred in managing the Funds and your investment. They include costs such as Investment Management fees, Responsible Entity fees, administration expenses and other expenses. Management Costs are deducted from the Fund assets as a whole. 

Net asset value

The total assets of a Fund less the total liabilities of the Fund, calculated in accordance with the Fund’s Constitution.


The person or company that has the legal responsibility to ensure that the trust or superannuation fund is operated in accordance with the trust deed. 

Unit price 

Most managed funds are unit trusts. When customers invest, their money buys units in the trust. How many units they receive depends on how much they invest and the unit price at the time of the purchase. An investor's unit balance in a fund will remain constant unless they transact on their account (e.g. reinvest distributions, withdraw etc.). The unit price will change according to changes in the market value of the underlying investments, or the total number of units issued for the Fund.

Daily unit prices are available over the phone or online.
Customers can check the value of their investment at any time by multiplying the number of units they hold by the daily withdrawal price.

Not sure what type of investor you are?


A Wealth specialist can help guide you. Make an enquiry today. 

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Things you should know

Sandhurst Trustees

Sandhurst Trustees Limited ABN 16 004 030 737 AFSL 237906 (Sandhurst) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. Sandhurst is the responsible entity and issuer of the managed funds available on this website. Additionally, Sandhurst is the issuer of commercial lending products and the provider of traditional trustee services available on this website. Each of these companies receives remuneration on the issue of the product or service they provide. Investments in these products are not deposits with, guaranteed by, or liabilities of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank nor any of its related entities, and are subject to normal investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested.

Information on the website is jointly prepared by Sandhurst and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank and subject to change without notice. Advice in relation to managed funds and commercial lending products is provided by Sandhurst. The information contains general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation or needs. Before making an investment decision in relation to these products you should consider your situation and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement available on this site.

The information is given in good faith and has been derived from sources believed to be accurate at its issue date. Neither Sandhurst nor the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank give any warranty for the reliability or accuracy or accept any responsibility arising in any way, including by reason of negligence for errors or omissions for the information contained on this website. Neither Sandhurst nor the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has an obligation to update, modify or amend this website or notify you in the event that a matter of opinion or projection stated changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate.

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Bendigo and Adelaide Bank acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of this nation and the Traditional Custodians of the land where we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to Elders past and present as it is their knowledge and experience that holds the key to the success of future generations.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited, ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL / Australian Credit Licence 237879. Any advice provided on this website is of a general nature only and does not take into account your personal needs, objectives and financial circumstances. You should consider whether it is appropriate for your situation. Please read the applicable Disclosure Documents before acquiring any product described on this website. Please also review our Financial Services Guide (FSG) before accessing information on this website. Information on this page can change without notice to you.

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