Using my card
Learn how to use your Bendigo Bank debit or credit card, including making payments, daily transaction limits, and what to do if your card is lost or stolen. Club account
Save and have money to spend at Christmas with a Christmas Club Account, featuring a minimum opening balance of $1 and limited access your money. Apply today. Funds Explained
Learn the fundamentals of managed funds; how they work, why they're so popular, commonly used terms and more.
Australians are leaving their cheque books behind in preference for faster, simpler and immediate electronic payment methods. Find out how to move away from cheques and take more control over your banking. Retirement account
Our Easy Retirement Account is just that. Easy! Designed for retirees and pensioners over 55 years old, it has stepped interest and simple, clear fees. You can access your funds where you need with unlimited withdrawals, whether in branch, through your card, phone or e-banking. account
Eligible for a bank account with free e-banking transactions, 24 hour ATM and EFTPOS access via your choice of card and more. Apply for this simple concession account to help manage your transactions. account
Reach your saving goals faster with Bendigo Bank EasySaver Account. No monthly fees, interest paid monthly with this at-call savings account. Apply online today account
Earn while you learn with a Bendigo Bank Student Bank Account. This Student bank account is a clever transaction account available to full time students, apprentices and trainees. Apply online today. Saver
Turbo charge your savings with a bonus variable rate with our high interest savings account. Click through for details. For Living Terms and Conditions.pdf