Protect my card
Tips to keep you and your Bendigo Bank card protected. security
Learn how to to keep your device(s) secure and what to do if your device is ever lost, stolen, broken, or replaced. e-banking support
Find out everything you need to know for accessing e-banking either online or via the Bendigo Bank app. You can also watch our interactive demo to explore e-banking further. authentication / Security token
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires a combination of at least two factors. Learn more about MFA including how to set up your security token or what to do if your security token is not working. Balances in e-banking
Quick Balances is a Bendigo Bank app feature that allows you to see your account balances without logging in. Learn more about set up, changing settings or turning it off. Pay
Pay easily and securely with your Bendigo Bank card using Google Pay's
Frequently asked questions about using Samsung Pay with your Bendigo Bank card. calling
When receiving a call from an unknown number, do not give out your personal details. We have listed some numbers we may call you from. Pay FAQ's
Frequently asked questions about using Google Pay with your Bendigo Bank card. Pay
Pay easily and securely with your Bendigo Bank card using Garmin Pay