Foreign exchange calculator
If you’re planning some travel, or sending money overseas, use Bendigo Bank's foreign exchange calculator for conversion of all major international currencies. card common fees
Understand common credit card fees before applying. We break down typical charges like annual fees, interest rates, and balance transfer costs to help you make informed decisions. tips for travelling with a credit card in 2024
Here are three tips to help save costs when planning your next overseas trip account
An Everyday Banking Account is a simple transaction account offering internet banking, phone banking and card access for everyday banking. Apply online today. Retirement account
Our Easy Retirement Account is just that. Easy! Designed for retirees and pensioners over 55 years old, it has stepped interest and simple, clear fees. You can access your funds where you need with unlimited withdrawals, whether in branch, through your card, phone or e-banking. Ready Credit Card
Get added insurances, purchase protections, complimentary international travel insurance and no annual fees with Bendigo Ready Credit Card. Apply online today. security
Learn how to keep your Bendigo Bank card secure, and what to do if your card is lost or stolen. Invest Direct Pro
Bendigo Invest Direct Pro is a subscription-based platform specifically designed with the sophisticated/frequent trader in mind. Learn more about Bendigo Invest Direct Pro today! and International Payments
Travel overseas with confidence with a Bendigo Bank Travel Card. Discover our travel money card and international payment options. Apply online today. Payments
Send and receive funds worldwide in over 25 different currencies. Contact us for international telegraphic transfers, bank drafts and foreign cheque deposits.