Calculate your loan repayments with ease
If you're thinking about borrowing funds for your business or looking at refinancing, our business loan repayments calculator can help estimate what you can afford and how much your loan repayments might be.
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Most Recommended Business Bank^
Things you should know
The results are a guide only. They are not a quote, credit approval or offer of credit. The rates and repayment amounts are not based on actual products offered by Bendigo Bank and do not include any monthly service fees that may apply. The results are not advice on how much you can or should borrow, which product you should choose, the product features or options, or about making extra payments. You should speak to us or obtain professional advice about a loan that meets your requirements and objectives. There are restrictions and/or certain fees payable for additional payments for some products e.g., during the fixed term of a loan. The results assume that regular scheduled repayments are made and that the interest rate does not change, and do not include any discount period . Interest rates are subject to change except during a fixed rate period.
For a full list of fees and charges, please refer to the Business fees and charges
^Award is based on information collected from the DBM Atlas research program – feedback from over 80,000 businesses and/or retail customers January 2022 through December 2022.