Choose where your donation goes
Your donation will make a difference in flood and fire affected communities across Australia. You can donate to a natural disaster appeal today.
Thanks to your generous donations, funds will assist in providing relief and medium to long term community recovery.
We recognise that community recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. The process begins with the affected communities to determine how best to use the funds. Decisions are best informed by locals for the good of their communities. Their needs evolve and change as the recovery process proceeds through time and we help where we can.
North Queensland Flood Appeal
Western Victoria Bushfire Appeal
Victorian Flood Appeal
National Bushfire Disaster Appeal
East Gippsland Community Foundation Appeal
Things you should know
The Community Enterprise Foundation (CEF) is proud to facilitate the work of a wide range of very generous donors. However, all funding distributed by the trusts concerned is at the discretion of the trustee – Sandhurst Trustees Limited whilst at all times taking into account donor wishes and advice. All grants and scholarships are made from the relevant trust administered by CEF on behalf of Sandhurst Trustees Limited, as trustee. Sandhurst Trustees Limited ABN 16 004 030 737 a subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178.
Grants and appeals outlined are administered by CEF and allocated from the following trusts:
Community Enterprise Foundation (DGR) ABN 69 694 230 518
Community Enterprise Charitable Fund (TCC) ABN 12 102 649 968
Community Enterprise Foundation Disaster Relief Fund ABN 71 589 381 152