Bushfire Kids Connect was founded by nine-year-old Sebastian Ascott and his mother Carly. It supports the wellbeing of children and families impacted by bushfires.
They will connect with more than 100 families across SA who were affected by the devastating bushfire seasons over the past two years. Bushfire Kids Connect wants to tell their stories in their voice.
A grant of $62,975 from the SA Bushfire Appeal has helped Bushfire Kids Connect develop an Australia first pilot school program. It aims to deliver education in bushfire awareness and wellness in time for the upcoming fire season.
The pioneering program will be trialled in ten South Australian primary schools. Students will be helped to understand bushfires and their impact. It will educate them through a bushfire awareness and wellness-themed challenge course using tool Makers Empire.
A number of teachers from each school will also attend a professional development course as part of the program. Once the pilot is complete the program will be expanded into regional remote schools. It will empower children with knowledge in the event of future fires.