e-banking feedback
Use our simple online form to provide your e-banking feedback to us.
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/siteassets/branchassets/communitycompanies/goomallingdistrictscommunityfinancialserviceslimited/sponsorshipsgrants/sponsorship-feedback-form-1403.pdfSponsorship Feedback Form 2020.pdf
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/siteassets/branchassets/communitycompanies/trafalgardistrictfinancialserviceslimited/sponsorshipsgrants/sponsorship-feedback-form-2020.pdfResolve a complaint
If you wish to make a complaint related to Bendigo Bank products or services, any of our staff can assist you. You can also contact us online using our secure Customer Feedback form.
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/contact-us/resolve-a-complaint/Troubleshooting e-banking
Find out about the supported operating systems for e-banking and the Bendigo Bank app or learn how to provide any e-banking feedback to us.
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/support/e-banking/troubleshooting/Customer Advocate
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank has a Customer Advocate to champion the voice of our customers and strive for fairer outcomes. We want to ensure that in every interaction with us you are treated fairly and with respect, no matter your circumstance.
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/contact-us/customer-advocate/Business Plan Builder
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/business/tools-and-calculators/businessplanbuilder/Community Bank Daylesford District
Community Bank Daylesford District, find our location, opening hours and more about your local branches services, offers and shareholder information.
We're here for you. Providing help and support when you need it, such as using e-banking and the Bendigo Bank app, as well as other popular topics.
https://www.bendigobank.com.au/support/Bendigo Bank continuing to review options